Wednesday, September 21, 2005


ALL HP FANS - check out the link below for the new Harry Potter trailer. For some reason, the US Warner Bros. site for Goblet of Fire only has the first trailer. You have to go to the UK Warner Bros. site to see a new one. It looks awesome and definitely the scariest HP yet. There are shots of Mad Eye Moody; the veela/Fleaur; the flying Beauxbaton carriage; Durmstrang including Viktor; dragons and the maze from the Tri-Wizard Tournament; Harry/Cho and Hermione/Viktor at the dance; the underwater creatures, etc. IT LOOKS WHACK-TASTIC! These kids are looking older and more ragtag as well.

(What is odd is that when I was checking it out last night, it showed me a different trailer for #2. It had 90% of the same things but there was a shot of the Durmstrang shipping coming out of the lake and dialogue of Harry telling Ron "I don't want eternal glory!", so there might be another trailer out there...)

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