Friday, September 30, 2005


Ironically, after reading article this morning in Rolling Stone about how awful Tara Ried and her show 'Taradise' are, and the fact the shows cancellation was imminent, I just found was sent this from a Page Six article:

Page Six reports that Tara Reid is bordering on a mental breakdown after the cancellation of Taradise , though I have no idea how anybody could even gauge a mental breakdown with Tara. A mental breakdown suggests that there's a mind to actually break down, as opposed to the cavity of air where Tara's brain should be.
Anyways, she recently fired her publicist and moved back to New York and had a "complete meltdown" during her interview with Steppin' Out magazine. You have to be registered with the New York Post to read the full content, but I've posted a transcript of Tara's insane ramblings after the jump.
"How many more years are [the media] going to pick on me? There's other new young bad girls. Move on to someone else! . . . I need one more great movie role so they say, 'Wow, she can act! She's a great actress.' Then I think they'll leave me alone . . . If I'm going to try and do something, it has to happen this year. I'm not stupid.

"People think [I am just a party girl], and it's bull[bleep]," she ranted to Hayden. "I wish they would just tell the truth. I'm not a drunk . . . I don't have a drinking problem. I don't have a drug problem, for sure.
"Listen, if I could get good movies, you would never see me going out. But when there's nothing to do, what am I supposed to do, just sit in my house and go crazy? But going out is not all I do.
"I'm just fed up. I just want a chance again. I want to show that I am an actress . . . I just wish a director would believe in me.
"The gossip reporters know the truth. They know they could write good things about me. They could write I'm a good person who is cleaning up her act. I am getting older, and I want different things in my life. I want to get married and have kids.
"I've had a million publicists, and they've done nothing for me . . . Publicists are supposed to fight for me and believe in me, and they don't do that. They don't!
"I thought 'Taradise' was going to help me . . . I wanted to show the whole world the truth — I'm fun . . . But do I think it was cut like that? No. It could have been a better show . . . I didn't want to look like a total party-girl drug retard. I think the shots they show aren't fair."
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