I think my friends and I did a good job of putting this together, at least about the islands story:
Basically as we saw in the film, the sector Desmond was in was sector 3 of 6, meaning there are 5 others out there on the Island. In the film, they discussed everything the Hanso Foundation studies and as this Disney created site shows (http://www.thehansofoundation.org/), there are 7 total projects, leading us to believe the Island seperated into 6 sectors where each is DEVOTED to one of these studies (not sure which one is left out...). Looking up all of these projects (definitions found through Google), you can start to see where a lot of what we have seen comes into play.
The Hanso Life-Extension Project: attempts to extend human life beyond the current maximum lifespan (also fictional company appearing in vanilla sky) NOT SURE ABOUT THIS YET
The Hanso Foundation Electromagnetic Research Initiative: A magnetic field caused by an electric current. COULD BE REASON FOR LOCKE'S ABILITY TO WALK...MAYBE THE TIME HE COULDN'T WALK, HE WAS TOO FAR FROM THAT AREA OF THE ISLAND...?
The Hanso Quest for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence: life that may exist and originate outside our planet Earth. Its existence is currently hypothetical: there is as yet no evidence of extraterrestrial life that has been widely accepted by scientists. NOT SURE ON THIS ONE YET...
The Hanso Mathematical Forecasting Initiative: Forecasting the weather through digital computations carried out by supercomputers. A EARLY EPISODE HAD THE CAST DISCUSSING THE FAST RISING WATERS AND NO ONE KNEW WHY...
The Hanso Cryogenics Development Imperative: The science of low temperature phenomena. ETHAN RHOM CREATION...SOMEONE ELSE YET TO DISCOVER...?
The Hanso Juxtapositional Eugenics Development Institute: the study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding KIDNAPPING AARON AND CLAIRE...ETHAN RHOM AGAIN...?
The Hanso Accelerated Remote Viewing Training Facility: ESP information identifying a physical location or object at a distance from the receiver. Sometimes used synonymously to clairvoyance, it could actually involve any ESP capacity (telepathy, clairvoyance or precognition.) WALT, WALT, WALT, WALT!!!! THAT IS WHY THEY KIDNAPPED - RESEARCHES FROM THIS SECTOR NEEDED TO STUDY HIM!
ALSO, Zoology was mentioned in the film but is not listed as one of the projects. Zoology would explain the polar bears and the branded shark...?
ALSO, someone suggested on the Fuselage message boards that 'the Others' are the original scientists from the Hanso project gone mad...much like my friend suggested, the person that Hugo got the numbers from in the hospital (the guy who repeated the numbers over and over again), he may have been a scientist who went mad over the numbers...
ALSO, I think a lot of people think Desmond inserting the numbers every 108 minutes is a test being done by Hanso unto itself, to see how long someone would do it, much like Jack suggested...
ohhh very very interesting, makes sense! THANKS!
but which experiment do the whispery voices that various people have heard fit into? ESP maybe?
When Locke broke down and yelled "what do you want me to do?" who was he talking to? Has he been listening to the voices?
Either way...thanks for your clarifications. Can't wait for next week!
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