THE BAND: Swedes! Yes, that is right, Swedes. They seem to be one of the hottest things in radio these days and you can add the Radio Dept. to that list. Formed by Elin Almered and Johan Duncanson in 1995, back when they were highschoolers, the Radio Dept. is a collaboration of friends who were into art, music, phot and film and more. They have had a revolving door of members since their inception and at one point, barely existed. As of 2001 though, with the addition of Martin Larsson, Lisa Carlberg (bass) and Per Blomgren (drums), they rehearsed more and recorded more, getting the attention of Sweden's top label, Labrador Records.
THE SOUND: If you want some sunny day, guitar pop with lots of fuzz, this is the band for you. I was a huge fan of this band last summer and I don't think they got the attention they deserve so I am bringing them back in the fold. "I Don't Need Love, I've Got My Band" is a feel good hit that kicks off a great new day, shrugging off everyone else in favor of your bandmates. The melancholic mourning in "1995", recalls the moments and space of growing up and "Where Damage Isn't Already Done" bounces and bops its way through romance. A good sunny day album for the winter.
Check out their most recent LP Lesser Matters for some solid hits and it appears they had a 5 song EP out over the summer as well, This Past Week.
mp3 - I Don't Need Love, I've Got My BandEXPIRED
mp3 - 1995EXPIRED
mp3 - Where Damage Isn't Already DoneEXPIRED
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