THE BAND:From the makers of DANGER MOUSE comes this thrilling, brand new funky beat!!! At least that's how I hope they promote this album. It was announced in April last year that Goodie Mob member Cee-Lo and DJ Danger Mouse, of 2005 fame following the 'Grey Album', producer of latest Gorillaz album as well as 'Danger Doom' with MF Doom) have teamed up to release an album under the name Gnarls Barkley. "We are the perfect combination," Cee-Lo stated. "This album is one of the best platforms for me to express all of me. I get to expand my range and hit all categories from Urban, Crossover, Pop and Rock & Roll. Danger Mouse's production is so futuristic and my lyrics are used as a vehicle to bring it home."
THE SOUND: Gorilla VS Bear was the first to bring this super-duo to my attention. I was a big fan of the Grey Album but after having high hopes for the 'Danger Doom' concept and never digging it, I am suspicious of this new collaboration. HOWEVA, the first single to leak, 'Crazy', blew me away. Solid hit with a smoove beat and what I thought was a sample, is real vocals. After hearing that, I sought more. Well, just yesterday, the new tracks hit the blogs, known simply as Untitled #1 and Untitled #2. Unfortunately, neither of them packed the punch that 'Crazy' does and I hope this doesn't swing the way of 'Danger Doom'. I still have high hopes for a solid album to come out in 2006 so we shall see. Stay tuned to Gnarls Barkley's home page for futher details.
mp3 - Crazy
mp3 - Untitled 2
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