Thursday, March 16, 2006


We here at the Test Piot are definitely supporters of ART as well as music, so I am happy to pass this along. I am not sure how wide spread this is yet because my own PJ Superfan, Co-Pilot Drue Dixon, informed me he has already seen this, so I assume the die-hards have already been privy to the new album art. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET, here ya be.

I am not sure the back story on this or who designed this but Superfan Drue threw this out...
"This is from a PJ message board regarding the avocado album art...There's also been talk about the album art is possibly not the real art. Who knows!.....

Avocado Productions
The Guacamole Fund is a non-profit organization with a 501(c)(3) tax status. It assists environmental, social change, cultural and service organizations by facilitating, organizing and producing benefit concerts, rallies, special ticket sales, receptions and media campaigns... the scrolling supporters at the top of the site...sure enough there is PJ."


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