Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Like I said in the previous post, not a lot of new bands or full CDs are grabbing me these days. Instead, these are the HOT SINGLES (that's radio talk) out there right now.

JAY-Z Show Me What You Got
Hova is back! And like the man says in the song, "What you want me to do?! I'm sorry!" We all knew the guy couldn't stay away, beginning the comeback with Public Enemy/Wrexx n Effect horns and a sweet full band.
Show Me What You Got

RYAN ADAMS Look Who's Got A Website
I don't normally listen to Ryan Adams...but when he drops some sweet rhymes like this to take a break from recording, I am all over it. Combining his best Beastie Boys and 80's rap sound FX, this song keeps me laughing and singing through out the day. Listen to the lyrics: "This website's updated by witches!" (in a witch voice) AND "I sold 3 records and went balsa wood or something, in a place I'm not from." Crazy fun. "Kevin Costner - WTF!?"
Look Who's Got A Website

I think I was destined to find this song. That or it haunted me. I first heard it in GAP pushing my son around and the whistling stuck with me for the rest of the day. Then I heard it in a FADER podcast and got down to researching it. Turns out it belongs to this guy. Sign-up for the bopping intro percussion, stay for the addictive whistling.
Young Folks


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