Tuesday, January 09, 2007

NEWS: Apple unveils shloads of killer new products

Dang. The 2007 Macworld Conference was held today in San Francisco and Steve Jobs blew the roof off with three new products.

Take your iPod in one hand and your cell phone in the other...now put them together. Basically a a kick ass phone that syncs with Address Book and iTunes, lets you watch movies, listen to music, text or call someone, surf the net, etc. all running on OSX. The downside is that it is only available to Cingular people out of the box in June and costs $499 for the 4Gb version and $599 for the 6Gb version.
3.5" color TOUCH screen, no stylus needed, just use your thumbs
Sensors know when you flip it from vertical to horizontal to watch movies/look at pictures

Apple TV
$299 for a AirPort Express basically that lets you watch content on your computer - movies, TV shows, music - on your home TV. So basically, anything downloaded can now be on your TV. Downside is that you have to have a widescreen TV and wireless network
Not that pricey and works with a lot of TVs
I don't have to watch downloaded content in my basement anymore

I had heard also about a wide-screen iPod with a touch-screen but the Apple site doesn't show anything yet.

Check Apple.com for full demos of the iPhone and details on Apple TV.


Blogger pfish said...

I heard that Apple is being sued for using the iPhone name. Is this true?

10:15 AM  
Blogger JONATHAN said...

Yeah - Cisco is suing them because they have owned the rights to the name since 2000. Last I heard, they wanted in on Apple's proprietary DRM technology as well as the iTunes store in exchange for it. Since Apple has ownership over those technologies and Cisco supports open sharing, who knows what will happen.

The phone isn't due til June so they have a few months to be friends.

10:25 PM  

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